apakah blog perbaruan dri yang pertama ini lebih baik ?

Rabu, 15 Mei 2013


Es Krim Kelapa Muda 

bahan :
  • 1/2 ltr susu segar
  • 100 ml air kelapa muda
  • 1 sdk tepung maizena , larutkan deikit ke dalam air
  • 3 telur ayam, ambil kuningnya saja lalu dikocok
  • 200gr daging kelapa muda
  • 100 ml krim kental

cara membuat :
1.campurkan susu dan air kelapa muda lalu aduk rata
2.masak diatas api kecil sambil diaduk terus hingga panas
3.masukan cairan maizena kemudian aduk terus hingga mendidih
4.ambil sedikit adonan kemudian aduk hingga mendidih
5.masukkan kembali kedalam adonan , masak hingga mendidih kemudian angkat dan terus diaduk hingga    uapnya hilang
6.tambahkan daging kelpaa muda dan krim kemudian aduk rata
7.setelah agak dingiin ,masukkan ke dalam freezer hingga setngah beku
8.aduk kembali hingga rata kemudian simpan dalam freezer hingga beku
9.sajikan dalam gelas gelas kecil

Rabu, 01 Mei 2013

day by day to Glory

hello , jumpa lagi dengan saya pembawa acara paling gokil dan ganteng sedunia , siapalagi kalau bukan mister KENNY..... WIJAYAA..... *plok... plok.. plok..*

hari ini untuk pertama kalinya saya menulis blog saya di ruang komputer sutomo 1
pass karena diizinin gurunya untuk mengupdate blog ;p

okeh , saya akan membahas tentang detik-detik, menit-menit  jam demi jam , hari demi hari , menuju sesuatu proses relaxasi yg disebut ......*musik orkestra dimainkan*..... LIBURAN~ libur tlah tiba , libur tlah tiba , hore hore hore hore....

maybe this will be my last year with my friend in the same class x-12 , because next semester the class already devide into two class, social class and science class ,
kalau untuk volume otak seperti gue ini cocoknya si di ipa :O  *ups kepedean*
tapi gue lebih memilih untuk join ke ips karena lbh santai dan tidak gitu peras otak hehe

untuk persiapan semester si saya uda siappp
siap 10% maksudnya 

wah sudah lebih seminggu gue tak ketemu teman teman di smp3 hahah atau dngn kata lain junior gue wkwkwk
 soalnya lucu-lucu hahah

gatau lagi nih mau tulis apa , yaudah deh sekian dulu ya

followme on :@kennywlimsar at twitter
call me maybe on 087868597*** hhahahah privasi
go to another blog of me at http://kennywijayakwl.blogspot.com
see you there

Rabu, 17 April 2013

a year , a thousand memory ;)

hello friend this time i will make my blog more different , dont like the old one that sound little setupid and crazy , now i'm mature he-he-he

welcomeee backkk , i;m back , yeahh i am B-A-C-K "starting the superman style"

hello friend i'm now in senior high school , senior mamenn , sma bro..broo...
its mean like i wear a long throusers noww , not skinny :( but its okay lah not bad hahaha

from last semester it was pretty good , nice school , nice new and old friend ,nice class , but bad material -_- it was so difficult friend , i swear , i dont know why but its so hard to make a min score 75 ,damm..

forget about that , i wanna tell my story , actually my love story , not like twilight , but more like warm bodies ;p

almost 1 year , actually its already 1 year i dont get into relationship with someone especially girl , its mean like i'm single free and jomblo , whatt??? youre single too?? :0 call me maybe 087868597143 ;p for today call you may got free dinner at my homeeee ;p come and join us "limited ticket "

yeahhh it was not bad for the starting , okay i wanna say that now i have someone to chat everyday everytime every what i dont know la okayyy, haha

it was a girl of course , i'm not gay to chat with a boy , but sometime i chat too -_- "welcome to gay center"
her name is .... ehh should i tell ? maybe noo it is suicide, later you guys get jealousss HAHAHA

she was in junior high school now , but in a month she will soon be in senior high hahaha i'm waiting for it

actually i know her from my friend , she give me her bb pin and i add it of courseee i'm alone , come on
so we got a little chat from a night , that was the best night , actually until now its been 6 month we keep contact  , everynight is beautiful , yeah sometime she sleep without tell me siii -_- but its not a problem haha
okay now i feel like i'm gettin alay and lebay
stop... kembali ke lapp...TOP <---- actually="" hihihi="" my="" nickname="" p="">
now this week we have a holiday because sma3 student got their national exam

1st day of holiday :
at the morning i go to mcDonald (this girl ,i'm talk about just now, she really like mcd-_-) , so we kumpul2 with my friend , got a breakfast and chitchat
after that we go to swimming  like a gay definetly
after that we go to templee to prayy ;) we are a got boy hahaha
so and then we go to my place my home of courseee for lunch near my home
after that we go to  karaoke this is the best oneee we sing a lot of songgg , anddd wowww so niceee
after that we go to movieeewatch gi joe
at last we go to dinnerrr
 what a tired day , and for sure , i dont dare to check my wallet -_-

sooo if you want to know about my story again just contact me @kennywlimsar or 2999744f

alasan karna males ketik lagi ahhahaha
see you thenn , bye2